In Depth:  Gareth Lewis

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Gospel for the grieving

Gareth Lewis

Book Review AT A TIME LIKE THIS Some answers for grief and loss

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Crossing the desert

Gareth Lewis

Former Tory cabinet minister, Jonathan Aitken, made a stand for Christ while in prison, and continues to be a controversial figure.

EN: Jonathan, Colson also said in one of his letters to you that he is sure that God is preparing you for some ministry. Every believer is a minister, but, do you have ideas about that - what you'd like to do?

A passing jar of clay

Gareth Lewis

When my friend, the optician, discovered that I had just interviewed Jonathan Aitken for Evangelicals Now, the first thing he asked was: 'Is he repentant?'.

Not a surprising question, because it's the one everyone asks about the former Conservative minister who was sent to prison for his misdemeanours.

A Biblical bestiary

Gareth Lewis

Book Review Revelation Unwrapped

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