In Depth:  Florence Gildea

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Harry finds his princess
Crossing the Culture

Harry finds his princess

Florence Gildea

Marrying a prince is often shorthand for social salvation in many a fairytale.

The lowly, albeit beautiful, servant girl is rescued from a life of poverty and trial when she catches the eye of a prince. Henceforth, they enjoy a life of luxury, ease and – one would hope – love. At first blush, our culture may appear to have rid itself of these stories for their old-fashioned gender roles (the woman tends to be reduced to a passive cipher whose life only becomes meaningful when the prince enters).

A culture of sexual consumerism

A culture of sexual consumerism

Florence Gildea

Florence Gildea exposes this sad and dehumanising aspect of Western society

With the average person seeing 3,500 marketing messages per day, advertising fills the air we breathe.