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Evangelicals’ Welsh woe


Shortly after en was going to press, Welsh evangelicals were due to have a crucial meeting with church leaders which could determine their future.

All members of the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales (EFCW) were being invited to meet the bishops of the Church in Wales on Zoom following a recent decision to bless same-sex relationships in church.

Joel Edwards: 
 ‘Rule Britannia’ 

Joel Edwards: ‘Rule Britannia’ outdated


Ex-Evangelical Alliance General Director Joel Edwards has said some traditional songs from Last Night of the Proms should be dropped.

Writing on Facebook he said: ‘A suitable museum should be found for “Rule Britannia”, “Jerusalem” and “Land of Hope and Glory”, with periodical public performances for posterity. As history has shown us, linking heaven, angels and nationalism is always a risky business. Does the BBC really believe that words like ‘Britons never shall be slaves’ represent people from Europe, Asia, the Caribbean and Africa who have kept the NHS and our transport systems going for decades?’