In Depth:  Euan Dodds

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Heavy	but	worthwhile

Heavy but worthwhile

Euan Dodds

Book Review CHRIST VICTORIOUS: Selected Writings of Hugh Martin

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The evangelical triangle

The evangelical triangle

Euan Dodds

Helping to discern where gospel partnership might be possible

Evangelicals are often spoken of as belonging to different ‘tribes’. Each tribe bears its own distinctive features and has its own leading figures, speakers, publishers, writers, and musicians.

Room­ for ­another

Room­ for ­another

Euan Dodds

Book Review GEORGE WHITEFIELD: The first transatlantic revivalist

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It’s all about Jesus

It’s all about Jesus

Euan Dodds

Book Review SALVATION Full and Free in Christ

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The argument for Christian pacifism

The argument for Christian pacifism

Euan Dodds

Book Review WARLIKE CHRISTIANS IN AN AGE OF VIOLENCE The evangelical case against war and for gospel peace

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Laugh with Luther

Laugh with Luther

Euan Dodds

Play Review A MONK'S TALE: Relics, Revolt and Reformation

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Fringe Christianity

Fringe Christianity

Euan Dodds


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Apologetics made extremely enjoyable

Apologetics made extremely enjoyable

Euan Dodds

Book Review BUT IS IT TRUE

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When God awakes

When God awakes

Euan Dodds

Book Review LAND OF MANY REVIVALS: Scotland’s Extraordinary Legacy of Christian Revivals over Four Centuries 1527–1857.

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Church of Scotland: a false economy?

Church of Scotland: a false economy?

Euan Dodds

The General Assembly of the Church of Scotland concluded on 22 May. Once more, the week was book-ended by debates about human sexuality.

Last year, an overture was approved which affirmed the church’s current doctrine and practice that marriage is between a man and a woman, but permitted a ‘constrained departure’ from this should a congregation call a minister in a ‘vowed’ civil partnership. 31 presbyteries subsequently voted in favour and 14 against.1 This was again debated. Although the debate was presented as being between two groups of ‘Scripture-loving people’ this was not immediately apparent. Many evangelicals spoke well and showed there was no biblical or theological support for such a change, which could only harm the peace and unity of the church. Those on the other side appealed more to the need for ‘equality’ and the importance of human rights.

Location, location, location

Location, location, location

Euan Dodds

Euan Dodds urges us to think carefully before we move house

Would you ever consider moving house in order to be closer to your church?

Scotland: Holyrood reborn

Scotland: Holyrood reborn

Euan Dodds

The first services of Holyrood Evangelical Church (HEC) were held on 5 October.

The set-up and music teams arrived at Leith Academy at 9am to rehearse and have the newly purchased equipment in place. At 11am the theatre was filled with the congregation, numerous well-wishers and a group of 20 American visitors accompanying Professor Doug Kelly, a longstanding friend of the fellowship. The newly called minister, Phil Hair, welcomed those present before the opening hymn, ‘Praise to the Lord the Almighty the King of Creation’ broke forth. Andy Scott, one of the trustees of the new church, explained something of the journey so far before George Sydserff, one of the senior elders, assembled and prayed for the ministry team.



Euan Dodds

500 years after the birth of John Knox, the church he founded is still part of the fabric of Scottish life.

Before this year’s General Assembly (May 17–23), however, newspapers reported that membership of the Church of Scotland is under 400,000 compared with 1.32 million in 1956. There is a shortage of 107 ministers and this deficit is likely to rise to 220 by 2022 with retirements. There are presently only two ministers below the age of 30.