In Depth:  en staff, Evangelical Alliance

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Refugee plan ‘unjust and discriminatory’

Refugee plan ‘unjust and discriminatory’

en staff, Evangelical Alliance

Controversial legislation on asylum, immigration and refugees would create an ‘unjust and discriminatory system’, the Evangelical Alliance has told en.

Alicia Edmund, the EA’s Head of Public Policy, said the bill – detailed examination of which was beginning in the House of Lords on 27 January – means those fleeing religious persecution and conflict could end up being treated as criminals and deported without a fair hearing.

Losing parents drew me closer to the Lord

Losing parents drew me closer to the Lord

en staff, Evangelical Alliance

An evangelical who has been appointed to head up an inter-church body says losing both his parents at a young age drew him closer to the Lord.

Mike Royal (see photo), a member of the Evangelical Alliance Council as well as a church leader in Birmingham, who is also involved with various Christian charities, will become General Secretary of Churches Together in England next March.