In Depth:  Ed Beavan

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Herd mentality: how a church story got sensationalised

Ed Beavan

In February you may have read the story of a curate at St. Nicholas’s Church in Sevenoaks, whom the national press declared had ‘outraged his congregation’ after preaching that wives should submit to their husbands.

The teaching on male headship by the curate in question, Mark Oden, who happens to be my brother-in-law, is from 1 Peter, and is regularly preached from pulpits across the country in biblically-faithful churches.

Gaines without pains

Ed Beavan

A much-loved Christian centre, which might have closed after 40 years of youth ministry, has received a reprieve and is now set to host a number of exciting new gospel opportunities.

The Gaines Christian Youth Centre, near Worcester, had been used as a young people’s venue since the 1960s, when it was acquired by the Andrew League Trust (ALT), who needed a year-round base for their work.

Under fire in Kisumu

Ed Beavan

A British couple working as missionaries in western Kenya have been forced to return to the UK after the escalation of violence in the African nation following the disputed Presidential election.

Graham and Sally Jones are back in the England after two years of working in Kenya’s third city of Kisumu, which is largely inhabited by members of the Luo tribe. Their work involved training up church leaders in Kenya’s Trinity Baptist Church, which has around 40 congregations nationwide. The couple are supported by Guildford Park Church and still hope to return to Kenya if the situation improves.

God's border crossing

Ed Beavan

As The God Delusion continues to ride high in best-selling booklists globally, many Christians find this rising tide of hostility towards the gospel deeply discouraging.

But one Scottish minister has grabbed the opportunity created by this anti-God literary phenomenon to take the good news of Jesus back to the nation.