In Depth:  Donald Macleod

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Should we seek the conversion of those of other faiths?

Should we seek the conversion of those of other faiths?

Donald Macleod

Book Review A TRINITARIAN THEOLOGY OF RELIGIONS: An Evangelical Proposal

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Deplorable personal attacks but pertinent questions

Deplorable personal attacks but pertinent questions

Donald Macleod

Book Review THE NEW CALVINISTS: changing the Gospel

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Do we all come the same way?

Do we all come the same way?

Donald Macleod

Professor Donald Macleod argues that we don’t

PREPARED BY GRACE FOR GRACE The Puritans on God’s ordinary way of leading sinners to Christ.
By Joel R. Beeke & Paul M. Smalley.
Reformation Heritage Books. 297 pages. £15.10
ISBN 978 1 601 782 342

Stacey Woods

Donald Macleod

We have recently seen intense debates in the UK and the US about whether a student organisation may legitimately demand of members and speakers an adherence to a statement of faith.

C. Stacey Woods, a name not widely known, set in place the vital importance of credal definition for an evangelical university movement.