In Depth:  Denise Gilmour

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Potent simplicity

Potent simplicity

Denise Gilmour

Book Review REWRITING GENDER? You, Your Family, Transgenderism and the Gospel

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Ministry wives in Chesham

Ministry wives in Chesham

Denise Gilmour

The third Ministry Wives Weekend Conference was held on 12-14 October at Chartridge Lodge, Chesham and with its open and friendly atmosphere it has a healthy representation from various church backgrounds including Anglicans, Independents and Baptists.

Talks by Rachel Sloan were a distinct highlight. She gave gripping three talks from Exodus 1-15: ‘Where is God?’; ‘God is Judge’; and ‘God is Rescuer’. In answer to Pharoah’s stubborn refusal: ‘Who is the Lord, that I should obey him and let Israel go?’, God’s swift and decisive response in the ten plagues was seen. Various Egyptian gods were shown up as completely inept against the plagues which attacked their claimed powers. The message was loud and clear to Pharoah that the God of the Israelites is the one true God and brings convenantal rescue. How wonderful to serve under the true God and how terrible to be under his judgment. All the more important, people depend on him to resist thinly-disguised idols that creep into our lives.

Inspiring	sisters

Inspiring sisters

Denise Gilmour

Book Review REFORMATION WOMEN: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth

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Women of the rebirth of Christianity

Women of the rebirth of Christianity

Denise Gilmour

Book Review REFORMATION WOMEN: Sixteenth-Century Figures Who Shaped Christianity’s Rebirth

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ProcTrust: heart changer

ProcTrust: heart changer

Denise Gilmour

The inaugural Weekend Minister’s Wives Conference organised by the Proclamation Trust, was held on 7-9 October at Ettington Chase, near Stratford-upon-Avon.

With 40 in attendance, there was a significant representation from the independent churches. The main speakers were Adrian Reynolds, Director of Ministry of the Trust, and Andrea Trevenna, associate for Women's Ministry at St Nicholas Church, Sevenoaks.