In Depth:  Davy Ellison

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Why en, National Geographic and Private Eye are good for you

Why en, National Geographic and Private Eye are good for you

Davy Ellison

In my office sits a framed postcard that reads: ‘There is no such thing as too many books.’ This postcard accurately captures my attitude – I love books and reading.

As important as reading is for the Christian mind, I acknowledge that not everyone loves reading. My aim in this short article is to highlight seven ways in which reading aids our thinking, particularly as Christians. In doing so I hope I’ll convince you of the benefit reading can be in the Christian life.

Target may be exceeded

Target may be exceeded

Davy Ellison

April 2022 marks the half-way point of a Ten Year Vision for the Irish Baptist College (IBC).

As of this year, IBC has been in existence for 130 years. Originating in Dublin in 1892, it moved to Belfast in 1963 and since 2003 has been located in the lush countryside near Moira. The College’s primary focus has always been to serve the Irish church context; even so, graduates have served on all the inhabited continents of the globe.

The worth of teaching the  coming generations

The worth of teaching the coming generations

Davy Ellison

I enjoy the privilege of regularly teaching children God’s word. Often, however, I find myself wondering if it is worth it. What is going on behind their absent stares? Are they listening as their eyes dart from dis-traction to distraction?

The worth of teaching the coming generations is a theme that strikingly permeates the book of Deuteronomy. Repeatedly Moses encourages the older generations to teach the younger. This was not simply to entertain children or offer additional options for corporate worship. Rather, it is because it is worth it.