In Depth:  David Golding

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Sound the warning, heed the alarm

Sound the warning, heed the alarm

David Golding

The prophet Joel commanded the people of his day,  'Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain.' (Joel 2.1)

In our day, reasons for alarm are all too apparent. The average global temperature last year was the hottest ever recorded: 'What we’ve seen with 2023 is off the charts' (Gavin Schmidt, director of Nasa’s Goddard Institute in The Guardian). 'I want you to panic…,' said Greta Thunberg in 2019; now, after last year, no description seems too extreme for even experienced scientists. 

The promise of unfailing ‘seedtime and  harvest’: a cover for climate complacency?

The promise of unfailing ‘seedtime and harvest’: a cover for climate complacency?

David Golding

New figures just released by the European Climate Agency Copernicus reveal the last seven years as the world’s hottest on record.

We declare clearly and unequivocally that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency and that the world’s people face untold suffering due to the climate crisis unless there are major transformations to global society. (Article in Bioscience endorsed by 11,000 scientists from 153 nations, 5 November 2019)

Making poverty history?

David Golding

It’s in the news. It involves all the aid agencies, and many churches, trade unions and celebrities — all uniting under the banner, ‘Make Poverty History’.