In Depth:  David Gobbett

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What kind of God?

David Gobbett

Over 800 students each day in February heard compelling presentations of the Christian faith.

Richard Cunningham (Director of UCCF: The Christian Unions) spoke at the university mission in my first year as an undergraduate in Cambridge 17 years ago, and the student evangelism bug that I caught back then hasn’t left me. So it was especially thrilling to see him welcomed back by the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union (CICCU) to speak at their ‘What Kind of God?’ mission event from February 4-8, alongside Os Guinness (respected author and social critic).

On the brink of growing up

David Gobbett

Book Review FINAL

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Preach it, brother!

David Gobbett


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The genuine Jesus

David Gobbett

Book Review MESSIAH Jesus – the evidence of history

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