In Depth:  David Barnes

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BBC and the cross

David Barnes
Date posted: 1 Oct 2014

Dear Sir,

Following my letter which you kindly published in the July edition of en about the apparent absence of the atonement from BBC religious programmes I had an unexpected opportunity to speak to one of their presenters (a committed Christian) who was absolutely clear (and I believed this person) that the BBC puts no pressure whatsoever on the programme to avoid the central doctrines of the faith – atonement, resurrection, justification by faith, etc. I am unable to put this together with my listening and watching experience, but I thought I should record what I was told for the benefit of your readers.


Where’s the cross?

David Barnes
Date posted: 1 Jul 2014

Dear Sir

I have increasingly noticed an absence in BBC religious broadcasting. I cannot claim to be an avid follower, more an occasional ‘dipper in’ to the Sunday Service on Radio 4 and Songs of Praise (my wife watches and I sometimes keep her company). What seems to me to be completely absent is any mention of the atonement.

See it!

See it!

David Barnes

Film Review GOD’S NOT DEAD

Read review

Zealot evangelism

David Barnes
Date posted: 1 Dec 2013

Dear Sir,

The article ‘Was Jesus a Zealot?’ in November’s EN was a helpful and interesting review of a not very helpful book.