In Depth:  Dave Williams

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12 churches started in Birmingham

12 churches started in Birmingham

Dave Williams
Dave Williams

More than 12 churches have either started since 2020 or are set to start in Britain’s second largest city, the ‘Birmingham Collective’ reports.

The group was set up in 2010 (then called 2020 Birmingham) and comprises leaders from the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches (FIEC), Newfrontiers and Acts 29. With many churches closing over the next few years, the group says it is only scratching the surface, while Birmingham’s population is growing rapidly.

Responding to Matthew Parris: is euthanasia to be encouraged?

Responding to Matthew Parris: is euthanasia to be encouraged?

Dave Williams
Dave Williams

One of the concerns many of us have raised over the years is that legalised euthanasia (or assisted dying as it is now commonly described) would lead to increased pressure on vulnerable people to end their lives.  

We were laughed at for this and accused of relying on a 'slippery slope argument.' 'Don’t be silly', we were told. 'This is just about giving the right to a good death to those who wish to take it up.'

The urban priority

The urban priority

Dave Williams
Dave Williams

Dave Williams reminds us of some uncomfortable facts about the evangelical church

‘The UK is a mission field and the church needs to step out of maintenance mode and into mission mode.’


Church plants again

Dave Williams
Dave Williams
Date posted: 1 Mar 2017

Dear Sir,

I think it’s a good thing that there’s an ongoing conversation about church planting into our unreached areas via your letters page. I know that, from time to time, en puts the spotlight on church planting and on gospel work in tough areas. Maybe another spotlight on the great work happening in needy areas would be timely.


Church planting

Dave Williams
Dave Williams
Date posted: 1 Jan 2017

Dear Sir,

I'm writing in response to Paul Hinton's letter about church planting in our council estates and urban areas (Sick Church Plants, December en). I agree that there is a big need in these areas and encouraging people to plant in our most needy contexts is challenging.