In Depth:  Dave Doveton and Gavin Mitchell

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Faithful in South Africa

Faithful in South Africa

Dave Doveton and Gavin Mitchell

The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans (Southern Africa) was born after the GAFCON 1 meeting in Jerusalem in 2008, with the aim of standing for biblical orthodoxy. FCA has two constituent parties, members of the Church of England in South Africa (CESA) and members of the Anglican Church of Southern Africa (ACSA).

Among the Dioceses of the ACSA, Port Elizabeth Diocese, the Diocese of St. Mark the Evangelist, Zululand and Niassa Dioceses would count themselves as evangelical. So are clusters of parishes in Kwazulu Natal. In the Western Cape about 4-5 parishes, including the very big St. John’s Wynberg, a conglomerate of seven churches, are evangelical and charismatic in varying degrees. A good strong parish within the diocese of Cape Town is St. Martin’s Bergvliet. In Johannesburg there are 4-5 strongly evangelical parishes, generally the larger ones.