In Depth:  Daniel Stafford

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Questioning students overflow outside at CU mission

Questioning students overflow outside at CU mission

Daniel Stafford

An event hosted by Christian Unions in the city of Liverpool was so highly anticipated that students had to stand outside the venue to remain in earshot.

Students in University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores, and Liverpool Hope universities (pictured left and centre) came together to host a week of daily, high-profile, evangelistic events entitled ‘Truth Defined’. With students facing a much more unsettled and uncertain future, greater numbers than ever are open to considering faith, with over 100 students crowded into a packed-out venue.

‘Flux’: students share Jesus in Aberystwyth

‘Flux’: students share Jesus in Aberystwyth

Daniel Stafford

‘Our campus needs to know the good news of Jesus.’

These were the words of a member of Aberystwyth Christian Union following three days of outreach on their campus back in November. CUs traditionally hold outreach weeks in the spring term. These weeks provide an opportunity for focused mission: the CU hosts events aimed at welcoming every student at their university to consider Jesus. The gospel is clearly proclaimed, and every guest is given the chance to respond.

Students get  fresher packs

Students get fresher packs

Daniel Stafford

Freshers arriving this term have been greeted with a New Student Welcome Pack.

The pack, offered by Christian Unions, includes books, food, other goodies, and information on CUs. Peter Dray of CU umbrella organisation UCCF explains: ‘The pack makes no assumptions about a student’s faith. We are finding that students are showing a new openness to exploring faith.’

Students finding new life at Word Alive

Students finding new life at Word Alive

Daniel Stafford

Every Easter, hundreds of CU students descend upon Prestatyn as an integral part of the Word Alive conference, run in partner-ship with UCCF. Word Alive has furthered the discipleship of thousands of CU leaders, who return to their campuses nurtured by the teaching and by growing in their faith together.

In recent years we have been encour-aged to hear of CU students bringing their unbelieving friends to Word Alive. There is a growing trend for students who have attended CU events, but not yet made a pro-fession of faith, attending as a next step to exploring Jesus. But why is this happening?

Messaging that matters
The Third Degree

Messaging that matters

Daniel Stafford

Social media is a relatively recent phenomenon.

According to an ONS report the number of adults accessing the Internet every day in Great Britain more than doubled between 2006 and 2012, largely driven by social media.1 Mention the phrase ‘social media’ and I suspect most people fit into one of three broad categories: willing participants, uneasy users, or steadfast refusers!

Student carol services
The Third Degree

Student carol services

Daniel Stafford

Last year 16,000 non-Christian students heard the gospel by attending a carol service hosted by their university’s Christian Union.

As you read this story, several CUs will have held their 2014 services, with many more to follow in the final weeks of term. Thousands of students who have never had the gospel explained to them will hear an evangelistic message through a carol service.

Will they hang in there?
The Third Degree

Will they hang in there?

Daniel Stafford

What are the prospects of this generation of 20s–30s following Christ into their later years?

Christian Unions across Great Britain are seeing large numbers of students express interest in Christianity, as they host events in the first weeks of university terms. It seems that many young Christians are living for Jesus in university and meeting friends who may be part of the church for years to come.

Forum for CU leaders
The Third Degree

Forum for CU leaders

Daniel Stafford

If you change the university, you change the world.

The world around us today is being shaped by the students of yesterday – nearly every business person, politician, academic, media presenter and opinion former started out as an undergraduate, their worldview formed and shaped by their university experiences. It follows logically that to shape tomorrow’s world, we need to shape tomorrow’s leaders today. That is why the witness and ministry of Christian Unions is so vital.