In Depth:  Daisy Addington

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Young ‘put emotions first’

Daisy Addington

A survey carried out by Dave Cornes, youth evangelist with Christianity Explored Ministries, suggests young people prioritise emotions rather than evidence in faith.

The questionnaire was returned by 30 youth workers and some of their young people. Cornes said: ‘Young people are thinking less rationally and are driven more by their emotions. Their questions are less about evidence and more about meaning and purpose.’

‘Hope Explored’ launching

‘Hope Explored’ launching

Daisy Addington

A new three-week evangelistic course is being launched.

‘We want everybody to find the amazing hope that Christ offers us,’ says Rico Tice (see photo), co-founder of Christianity Explored Ministries. ‘That’s why we’ve created this new series called Hope Explored.’