In Depth:  Colin Nevin

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Colin Nevin
Date posted: 1 May 2018

Dear Letters Page,

The recent outcry by the Jewish community of the British Isles about the level of anti-Sem-itism being fostered by the likes of Jeremy Corbyn and previously by former Mayor of London Ken Livingstone and others shows that anti-Semitism, or the irrational hatred or dislike of Jews, is truly alive and well on a global scale. I worked as a chef in Tel-Aviv for ten years as a non-Jew, but after my return to the UK I was alarmed by the anti-Semitic, anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli sentiments that I encountered on a regular basis.



Colin Nevin
Date posted: 1 Oct 2015

Dear en,

The subject of immigration has been filling our television screens raising grave concerns about what is going on in the world. Some feel Europe cannot cope with this number of migrants and others feel that we should open the doors wide out of humanitarian compassion, and both viewpoints have a valid argument.


Uniqueness of Holocaust

Colin Nevin
Date posted: 1 Mar 2015

Dear Letters Page,

On Holocaust Memorial Day (27 January) I attended an evening commemoration which very poignantly recalled 70 years since the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Poems were recited, a cantor sang, and survivors’ stories were read, making the whole event an appropriate and dignified tribute to the memory of those who suffered and perished in the Nazi death camps and honouring those who survived.


Vulnerability of being Jewish

Colin Nevin
Date posted: 1 Feb 2015

Dear Letters Page,

The world is reeling from yet another intentional and hate-filled attack on the Jewish people at the Kosher Supermarket in Paris. We must in the democratic nations seek to always condemn and root out any vestiges of anti-Semitism.

Small woman with a big faith

Colin Nevin

Gladys Aylward was born on February 24 1902 to a working class family in Edmonton in north London.

Her parents both worked for the Post Office, and she worked as a humble parlourmaid. It was when Gladys attended a church service one evening and heard about mission in foreign lands that she embraced the concept of people working in far-flung destinations for the Kingdom of God. Subsequently she became aware of the vast country of China which had hardly even heard of Christianity. These thoughts challenged the young Gladys who had given her life over to God’s service, but she was still not sure what that might be.