In Depth:  Colin Hart

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Squeezing the churches

Colin Hart

In 1 Timothy 2.1,2 we read that we are to pray for all those in authority that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

We are instructed to pray that we would have the liberty to live according to God's righteous laws.

Politically active?

Colin Hart

I used to be a maths teacher in a comprehensive school. Back in 1987 when the government proposed a major Education Bill, I became involved in a campaign for Christian religious education and assemblies, with Baroness Caroline Cox.

Our campaign led to a change in the law so that RE became 'in the main Christian'. All this was while I was still a teacher. I know what it is to mark books until 10 o'clock at night and only then to start writing letters to politicians. Quite unexpectedly I ended up giving up my teaching job, and setting up the Christian Institute some ten years ago.

Repairing the moral fabric

Colin Hart

Christians can applaud the many advances made in our standard of living over the last 40 years, but at the same time we have to say that something is wrong with the direction of today's society.

There has been a breakdown of Britain. A breakdown in the family, law and order, and authority - with confusion in the church.