In Depth:  Coalition for Marriage

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Lesbian divorce rates leap

Coalition for Marriage

The founder of Britain’s first fertility clinic for same-sex couples has criticised the 2014 introduction of same-sex marriage, saying it has led to a soaring divorce rate among lesbians.

Through her fertility clinic, Natalie Drew discovered that about a third of the 586 lesbian couples she helped to have babies between 2011 and 2015 had split up.* She says: ‘The legalisation of gay marriage has done more damage than good. It hasn’t done lesbians any favours.’

Bermuda: ‘equal’ marriage disappears

Bermuda: ‘equal’ marriage disappears

Coalition for Marriage

Bermuda became the first territory in the world, in early December, to restore the traditional definition of marriage by legislating to ban same-sex weddings only six months after they were introduced.

Voters in the British Overseas Territory had rejected same-sex marriage by a landslide in a referendum in 2016.

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Coalition for Marriage

The government is proposing new minimum standards for academies, free schools and independent schools which demand that they ‘actively promote’ equality, as defined by the Equality Act 2010.

The Coalition for Marriage believes this places huge pressure on these schools to promote same sex marriage. David Cameron and many others justify redefining marriage on the grounds of equality.