In Depth:  Church Society

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Church Society partnership scheme

Church Society partnership scheme

Church Society

Church Society has launched its new Partner Church programme as a way to build fellowship and unity amongst more of their members and supporters.

Churches around England have committed to partner with them financially, in prayer, and in contending for the gospel. Partner Church members have been able to meet together in their Zoom Coffee Hours, including one specifically for lay leaders in the church – PCC members, Churchwardens, staff members.

‘True complementarianism’ examined at meetings

‘True complementarianism’ examined at meetings

Church Society

Anglican evangelical organisation Church Society has partnered with Bishop Rod Thomas for a series of regional meetings in London, Bristol, Leicester and Manchester.

‘It was wonderful to be able to gather in person with ministers, women workers, and lay leaders at each of these events’, said one delegate who attended.

New network for women

New network for women

Church Society

A new network for complementarian women in Anglican ministry in the UK is being launched under the auspices of Rod Thomas, Bishop of Maidstone.

The organisation, called Co-Workers, will offer online groups, opportunities for mentoring, chances to share experiences, and information about training and employment opportunities for women. There will also be the opportunity to join occasional discussions and seminars on relevant subjects.

Church Society investigating  ‘serious allegations of  bullying and abuse’

Church Society investigating ‘serious allegations of bullying and abuse’

Church Society

The Church of England evangelical grouping Church Society says it is investigating ‘very serious and wide-ranging allegations of bullying and abuse’ made about some of its staff and council members.

In a statement issued as en was going to print, Revd Andrew Towner, chair of the Church Society council, and Dr Ros Clarke, Associate Director, said: ‘Some of you may be aware that Church Society, along with some of its staff and Council members, has been the subject of some serious allegations made on social media.