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Edinburgh church wins

Christian Today

Edinburgh Council will have to pay £25,000 in damages to a Scottish church after cancelling its conference because of the traditional Christian beliefs about sexuality of one of its speakers.

The local authority had effectively banned the three-day conference planned by Destiny Church for the Usher Hall in summer last year because it objected to preacher Larry Stockhill who was due to address the event.

USA: Curry goes to court

USA: Curry goes to court

Christian Today

Michael Curry, the man who spoke at the wedding of Harry and Megan in 2018, is taking a bishop to court in April because he won’t permit same-sex marriages in the diocese.

Bishop William Love will be ‘charged’ with an ‘unwillingness to abide’ by a resolution of the Episcopal Church.

Locked out

Christian Today

Glasgow’s Destiny church launched a fundraising campaign in March to take legal action against Edinburgh City Council over the cancellation of its conference booking due to the church’s views on marriage.

Destiny Church had planned to hold its SURGE conference at the Usher Hall in June, with the Evangelical Alliance’s Gavin Calver and US preacher Larry Stockstill among the speakers. But the booking was cancelled by the city council after complaints were made about Stockstill’s views on same-sex relationships.

China: Canadian out

Christian Today

A Canadian missionary to China was released in October after being held by the Chinese Government for two years.

Kevin Garrett and his wife, Julia, lived in China for 30 years where they did missionary work and ran a Christian coffee shop.

Baptist Union tensions over gay issue

Baptist Union tensions over gay issue

Christian Today

Baptists from the Baptist Union (BU) are finding themselves facing controversy over homosexuality, as one of the regional associations has dissented from the denomination’s declared position, citing it as unbibli-cal and has attempted to outlaw its churches from conducting same sex marriages, it was reported on 24 April.

The West of England Baptist Association (WEBA) – one of 13 BU regional associations – has effectively challenged guidance issued by the BU which says each minister can make up its own mind on the issue of same sex marriage.