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Mexico: blasts

Christian Headlines

Explosions about half an hour apart shattered the serenity of morning services at two Las Cruces churches on Sunday 2 August, but caused no injuries and only minor damage, police said.

Las Cruces police spokesman Dan Trujillo said they are still investigating what happened near Calvary Baptist Church around 8a.m. and Holy Cross Catholic Church about 30 minutes later.

USA: children of gay homes speak up

Christian Headlines

It was reported in early May that children of gay parents are speaking out as the Supreme Court considers the legalisation of same sex marriage in Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky.

Two daughters of women filed a ‘friend of the court’ brief stating that their childhood living situation caused them harm. Heather Barwick and Katy Faust wrote: ‘While we love and cherish our mothers, we feel it's imperative that we bring to the court's attention the impact that redefining marriage will have on children like us.

USA: love Muslims

USA: love Muslims

Christian Headlines

A former Muslim said that Christians must love Muslims in a speech at the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Leadership Summit at the end of March.

Afshin Ziafat was born in Houston, but moved to Iran with his family at age two. They returned four years later during the Iranian Revolution. Ziafat is now a Christian pastor. In the speech, Ziafat said: ‘Racial reconciliation is not just a good idea because racial equality is a politically correct idea, but it’s because the reconciling message of the gospel is at stake.’

USA: ban lifted

USA: ban lifted

Christian Headlines

Ward Melville High School in New York has reversed its decision to ban students from forming a Christian community service club, it was reported on 14 October.

The Long Island school had previously banned Students United in Faith from gathering but, after a public outcry, the club will meet like other school clubs do.

Austria: no more yoga

Austria: no more yoga

Christian Headlines

An elementary school in Dechantskirchen, Austria will no longer teach yoga in gym classes after a parent complained, it was reported on 13 October.

Ingrid Karner had taught children yoga once a month in gym classes. Karner will no longer teach students yoga poses after a parent contacted the school saying that she did not wish to have her child exposed to the form of exercise for religious reasons.

USA: fines

Christian Headlines

Two Christian pastors in Idaho have filed a lawsuit and asked the courts to temporarily restrain city officials from making them perform same sex wedding ceremonies, it was reported in mid-October.

Donald Knapp and wife, Evelyn, operate Hitching Post Wedding Chapel and have been required by city officials to perform same sex marriages or else be jailed or fined.