In Depth:  Christian Concern / The Christian Institute

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Trans confusion reigns

Trans confusion reigns

Christian Concern / The Christian Institute

David Mackereth, an experienced Christian doctor who refused to use transgender pronouns at work, was told his belief in Genesis 1:27 is not worthy of respect by the judge who presided over his Employment Tribunal case in early October.

The judge ruled that: ‘Lack of belief in transgenderism and conscientious objection to transgenderism … are incompatible with human dignity and conflict with the fundamental rights of others.’ He continued: ‘In so far as those beliefs form part of [Mackereth’s] wider faith, his wider faith also does not satisfy [the requirement of being worthy of respect in a democratic society, not incompatible with human dignity and not in conflict with the fundamental rights of others.]’

Gender abortion

Gender abortion

Christian Concern / The Christian Institute

MPs voted on 5 November almost unanimously for a motion which would make sex-selective abortion explicitly illegal, after growing concern that the law is unclear.

Fiona Bruce MP tabled a Ten Minute Rule Bill seeking to put beyond doubt that sex-selective abortion is not permitted in UK law. It was passed by 181 votes to one.