In Depth:  Chris Green

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God’s word tailored for immigrants and insiders

God’s word tailored for immigrants and insiders

Chris Green

Book Review AMAZING ACTS Enjoying the real life drama of Acts 1:1-9:31

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Good exposition, but you will still need Davis

Chris Green

Book Review GOD IS PRESENT The message of Kings

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Holiday in Corinth

Chris Green

Book Review THE WISDOM OF THE CROSS Exploring 1 Corinthians

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From his throne above

Chris Green

Book Review THE ACTS OF THE RISEN LORD JESUS Luke’s account of God’s unfolding plan

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Get your kicks on…

Chris Green

Book Review ROUTE 66 A crash course in navigating life with the Bible

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Warts and all

Chris Green

Book Review JOHN STOTT A portrait by his friends

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Preaching grace

Chris Green

Here’s the painful news. It’s hard, distressing, but it’s true, and you probably know it already. Evangelical Christians are not widely thought to be full of grace.

The secular media regularly describes us in terms which we hardly recognise but which, to them, are self-evident. They don’t describe us as filled with love for others. They call us hypocrites, shrill, bigoted, judgmental, mean-spirited and – worst of all – Pharisaical. Even some fellow Christians have jumped on the bandwagon, and have been known to describe us as the Taliban, people who don’t know the meaning of God’s kindly welcome.

Relevant and arresting

Chris Green

Book Review THE LETTERS OF 2 PETER AND JUDE (The Pillar New Testament Commentary)

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Can you handle the truth?

Chris Green



Perspectives on 2 Timothy

Gideon - Power from Weakness

Chris Green

Book Review GIDEON: power from weakness

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Highly rated

Chris Green


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Slandering The Angels - The Message of Jude (Welwyn Commentary Series)

Chris Green

Book Review SLANDERING THE ANGELS: the message of Jude

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Is The Church Of England Biblical?

Chris Green

Book Review An Anglican Ecclesiology

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The Anointing

Chris Green

Book Review By R.T. Kendall

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The Way Forward

Chris Green

Book Review The Way Forward? Christian Voices on Homosexuality and the Church

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