In Depth:  Catherine MacKenzie

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3 books to help your children know God's love

3 books to help your children know God's love

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

All You Need is Love is a single released by the Beatles in 1967. It has become a societal mantra in the subsequent years, giving the impression that this emotion was some amazing post-war invention, discovered by hippies and let loose on the world by the new generation. But the reality is that love has been idolised by poets for millennia.

February is that month out of the calendar where love seems to go a bit nuts. All of a sudden it’s festooned in ribbons and smothered in pink.

Top audio books for kids: Hearing about heroes of faith

Top audio books for kids: Hearing about heroes of faith

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

It is quite exciting these days to see the increasing variety and selection of resources available for children’s ministry.

The variety of formats is particularly encouraging – from audio books to animation as well as websites and apps, alongside traditional print – we have many different ways to teach God’s word and share the gospel.

Books for kids this Christmas: Heroes and glorifying Jesus

Books for kids this Christmas: Heroes and glorifying Jesus

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review There are a few days left until Christmas so I’ll first add a nativity story book to the other children’s books that I’d like to recommend to you this month.

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7 new books for November

7 new books for November

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review There is no particular theme this month, just new titles that have arrived on my desk that would make excellent gifts for children and young people.

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6 kids books on being made in God’s image

6 kids books on being made in God’s image

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

We see the beauty of God and His creation in many ways – one way is through His people.

Take for example the life story of Joni Eareckson Tada (ISBN 978 1 527 110 533), one of The Hall of Faith series – a set of biographies that have been packaged for older teens and adults. With a sophisticated look, Joni’s story is short and easy to read, making this an ideal choice for the young adult in your life.

Children's books that look at the apostle Paul

Children's books that look at the apostle Paul

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

A kids’ camp needs a team: someone with a flair for administration, another with a talent for drama; and don’t forget the cook, the minibus driver and a first aider! You rarely get all in the same person. It’s the same with children’s books.

You will often find that one title is educational, another has a better narrative, still another has good resources, but the next one has excellent application.

Songs that inspire

Songs that inspire

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

We all know what it’s like to see our favourite book made into a movie – the delight when it’s done well, the frustration when it’s not. But let me introduce you to some writers who have taken well-known Christian hymns as their inspiration for a children’s book.

The first is by Sinclair B. Ferguson: Jesus Strong and Kind (ISBN 978 1 527 110 007). Ferguson has taken the key theological points from Colin Buchanan’s much-loved children’s hymn and dug deeper into God’s word showing where the truths of
these lyrics are rooted.

What will heaven be like?

What will heaven be like?

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


1 Corinthians 2:9 says that no one can imagine what heaven is going to be like! But thankfully the Bible has plenty to say.

Children cherishing Scripture

Children cherishing Scripture

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

The Bible is important. Is that an understatement? Probably.

But we need to face truths like this in our families and churches. Ecclesiastical architecture clearly points out where preaching was central to worship simply by the position of the pulpit. When it is front and centre the preaching of God’s word was held in high regard.

Teaching truth by example

Teaching truth by example

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review There are 891 quotes on Good Reads – the secular book recommendation website – about the purpose of life. The Dalai Lama says be happy. Someone called Steve Maraboli says live out your greatest self. Ursula K. Le Guin doesn’t believe in purpose at all, as human life is like grass blowing in the wind.

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Great big Bible truths for  little people

Great big Bible truths for little people

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review ‘Say what?! Take a look! God writes his story in a book.’

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All about the child

All about the child

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review If you’re like me, you start planning for Christmas in July. (I’m afraid I’m not kidding. With nine nieces and nephews I like to be prepared.)

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Learning from the past

Learning from the past

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review Do you wish you could edit history? Understandably there are often some difficult realities to face in our personal and national past.

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Learning from Corrie

Learning from Corrie

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review One of the great things about children’s Christian books is how they stay with you for life.

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Busy at quiet-time activities

Busy at quiet-time activities

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review Are you looking for something that you can whip out of a drawer or handbag that will occupy a child?

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The King of kings

The King of kings

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review Elizabeth II spoke publicly about her Christian faith, and once reflected on how candlelight spreading through a church reminded her of the gospel. One by one people passed the flame from pew to pew. ‘It’s a way of showing how the good news of Christ’s resurrection has been passed on from the first Easter by every generation until now.’

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Reading from the word go

Reading from the word go

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review When should you start reading to a child? The answer is as soon as possible.

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Serving up grace for children

Serving up grace for children

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review ‘It is misleading to say that God accepts us the way we are. Rather He accepts us despite the way we are’ (Sinclair Ferguson).

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Learning through letters

Learning through letters

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review What do writers do? Well, it doesn’t matter if you write a New York Times bestseller or a potboiler, you basically rearrange the same 26 letters time and time again…

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Family devotions

Family devotions

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review ‘We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.’ – Aristotle

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Learning while playing

Learning while playing

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review Fred Rogers, commonly known as Mister Rogers, an American children’s TV host, author, producer, and Presbyterian minister, famously said: ‘Play is really the work of childhood.’

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An advent read-athon

An advent read-athon

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review .

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Look at the ant

Look at the ant

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review ‘Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though. That’s the problem.’ A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh

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Reformation Day resources

Reformation Day resources

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review If you celebrate Reformation Day it would be good to remember Martin Luther as just one of the many men and women who defended the word of God at that time.

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Family worship

Family worship

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review .

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Kids’ catechisms

Kids’ catechisms

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review .

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Children discovering Jesus

Children discovering Jesus

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review WHO IS JESUS

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Fiction for formative years

Fiction for formative years

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Speaking truth to power

Speaking truth to power

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Easter for children

Easter for children

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Silence & addiction: deadly

Silence & addiction: deadly

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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We are God’s image bearers

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Learn the language of praise

Learn the language of praise

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Devotionals for families

Devotionals for families

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Biblical bake-off

Biblical bake-off

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie


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Church history for youngsters

Church history for youngsters

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review Some people are blasé about history – they dismiss it as simply the past. ‘You don’t drive down the street looking in your rear-view mirror’ is one of their dismissive observations. However, you don’t drive down the street without checking what’s behind you either.

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Armour against anxiety

Armour against anxiety

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review THE BAD DREAM by Nicola Fairburn

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In the beginning…

In the beginning…

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review The Garden, the Curtain and the Cross by Carl Laferton

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Bible stories

Bible stories

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

App Review God's Names by Sally Michael

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Why  Children’s  Books?

Why Children’s Books?

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

A wealth of good children’s literature is available these days. High-quality production and stunning illustrations mean that we are spoilt for choice as far as visual impact is concerned.

However, the old adage ‘Don’t judge a book by its cover’ has never been more true. Although children learn a lot through what they see, ultimately we need to teach our children the truth of God’s word. Jesus Christ is the Word made flesh – He was not described as a picture, or music, made flesh. Judge a book by its artwork if you must, but ask yourself these questions:

Hospitality – without a house

Hospitality – without a house

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Catherine Mackenzie encourages us to embrace biblical hospitality rather than cultural hospitality

What I look forward to most when I have some down time in an airport is people-watching or reading magazines.

Faith and foibles

Faith and foibles

Catherine MacKenzie
Catherine MacKenzie

Book Review AMY CARMICHAEL: Beauty For Ashes

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