In Depth:  Carl Chambers

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Learning about abusers, apologies and saying sorry well

Learning about abusers, apologies and saying sorry well

Carl Chambers

Book Review SOMETHING’S NOT RIGHT: Decoding the Hidden Tactics of Abuse – and Freeing Yourself from its Power

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How can we mend broken relationships?

How can we mend broken relationships?

Carl Chambers

Book Review RELATIONSHIPS: How do I make things right?

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A	‘huge	wake-up	call’	for	churches

A ‘huge wake-up call’ for churches

Carl Chambers

Book Review WHEN NARCISSISM COMES TO CHURCH: Healing your community from emotional and spiritual abuse

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A safe church is a transparent one

A safe church is a transparent one

Carl Chambers

Carl Chambers argues that victims of abuse have been failed by churches too easily covering things up

In 2015, Matthew Syed published a book called Black Box Thinking. He contrasts the culture of the airline industry with the health service in the US and UK.



Carl Chambers

The church in Cuba faces huge challenges as doors with the US re-open.

Recent news concerning Cuba appears to be unreservedly positive. President Obama visited earlier in the year – the first such visit by a sitting US president since 1928. This follows the renewal of diplomatic relations in December 2014, a deal brokered by the Pope. American cruise ships have begun to arrive. In April, residents of the capital Havana were thrilled by the first filming of some scenes for the Hollywood action film Fast & Furious 8.

The Dark Side

The Dark Side

Carl Chambers

Book Review FIGHTING SATAN Knowing his Weaknesses, Strategies and Defeat

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Cuba: the gospel marches on

Cuba: the gospel marches on

Carl Chambers

The island of Cuba has recently hit the news again, because the US has finally overturned its 50-year policy of isolation by re-establishing diplomatic relations with this state socialist country.

World politics is not the only area where fundamental changes are happening – the church in Cuba is another one.

Living God

Carl Chambers

Book Review A THOUSAND MILES OF MIRACLE The tragic true story of persecution during the Boxer Rebellion

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Enticing evangelism

Carl Chambers

Book Review PATHWAY TO JESUS Crossing the thresholds of faith

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