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Should Christians be interested in films?


To be interested in films does not necessarily mean we have to watch them. It is possible to know about films without actually seeing them.

You can read reviews in the papers, including this one, look on websites, in film magazines, and books about movies. Knowing about a film in this way can help us to decide whether we, or our children, could watch it with a clear conscience. Five principles can be applied in making this decision. We must remember that impurity is internal, not external (Mark 7.14-23). We must be fully persuaded in our own minds about the propriety of our choice (Romans 14-15). We should be seeking to grow in maturity of faith in Christ as we learn to distinguish good from evil (Hebrews 5.14). We must admit that not everything is beneficial (1 Corinthians 6.12). And we must set our hearts on things above, not on earthly things (Colossians 3.2). If we then conclude that it is not appropriate to see a certain film, we can still research its plot, themes and philosophies so we can talk about it with others.