In Depth:  Brother Hicham

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France: outreach in Carcassonne

France: outreach in Carcassonne

Brother Hicham

‘Reaching Carcassonne’ 2018 took place from 21–28 August, in partnership with La Voix des Prophètes, United Beach Missions (UBM) and with the support of La Maison de la Bible.

The team of 29, aged between 17 and 67, included students, professionals, civil servants and retired people from different countries in Europe. It was an encouragement to see several recent converts from the local church participating in the outreach.

Outreach in Paris

Outreach in Paris

Brother Hicham

At the end of April, for the fourth year running, more than 30 Christians from France and beyond were announcing the gospel to many unreached people in the Paris area.

The week was organised by a local church in collaboration with the literature ministry (La Voix des Prophètes) and AudioVie (Global Recording Ministry). Many team members had never engaged in evangelistic work before. Two churches in the north of France brought their youth groups for two days to give them a taste of evangelism. It was a joy to hear a 13-year-old Christian give a report about the time he spent knocking on doors with an experienced evangelist. Another said: ‘This is the most amazing experience of my life!’



Brother Hicham

During October many Muslims will embark on a pilgrimage, Brother Hicham looks at the reasons why

One fifth of humankind shares a single aspiration to complete, at least once in a lifetime, the spiritual journey called the Hajj.

Ready to welcome

Brother Hicham

We are looking at the subject of the place of the convert from Islam in the local Christian church.

In the previous article (July EN) we answered three questions: What are the church’s responsibilities towards Muslim converts? Should a Muslim convert be encouraged to be baptised? Should a Muslim convert break completely from Islam? We now address another important practical question. How can we integrate Muslim converts into the church in the West?

Receiving Muslim converts?

Brother Hicham

It is with some trepidation that I tackle the subject of the place of converts from Islam in the Christian church.

This is because there are so many problems facing those who have been grounded in Islam, and there are very few Christian missionaries among Muslims who have not experienced considerable difficulties in helping Muslim converts adapt to their new-found faith. There is perhaps no more baffling unsolved problem than the care of the new convert.