In Depth:  Brian Edwards

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Fletcher: Too much coverage?

Brian Edwards
Date posted: 1 Sep 2019

Dear Sir,

First off, I want to say thank you for the fresh approach to en. A lot of good material and articles. However, one concern I had on the August issue. I appreciate the need for us to be honest with our failures, but I do question the wisdom of making the Jonathan Fletcher issue the cover story. It was a tragedy in the life of a respected Christian minster, but to give it such prominence seemed to be hurtful to a weaker brother and giving unnecessary prominence to a tragic failure.

Warfield and Jim Crow

Warfield and Jim Crow

Brian Edwards

Brian Edwards reflects on how sound evangelicals can be disastrously blind on vital issues

I was rummaging through the pastor’s library.

Come home, please

Brian Edwards

Book Review UNCONVERTED SONS AND DAUGHTERS Hope for hurting parents

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Why it's cool to care

Brian Edwards

Today, there are more 80-year-olds than 18-year-olds in our nation. By 2020 5% of the population will be over 80.

A couple of decades ago the St. Paul’s Methodist Seminary in Kansas established a professorship in gerontology — the study of old age. The reason for this was that some students found themselves pastoring churches where 100% of the congregation are over 65.

Please look after Dad

Brian Edwards

Book Review IF IT’S NOT TOO MUCH TROUBLE The challenge of the ageing parent

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Grace - amazing grace

Brian Edwards

What did Paul mean when he wrote that Christ was 'delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification' (Romans 4.25)?

Since the time of the Reformation at least, there has been general agreement among evangelical Christians that justification refers to the declaration by God that, by the sin-bearing death and life-giving resurrection of Christ, the sinner is no longer guilty in God's sight.

Why bother with a hymn book?

Brian Edwards

The age of OHPs and data projection is not just here to stay, it is here to be improved and expanded.

For this reason most hymn books offer their words on CD as well, and in many churches the hard copies are stacked in a dark cupboard somewhere out of sight. But why has the hymn book gone out of fashion?

RT in retrospect

Brian Edwards


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A classic on the Cross

Brian Edwards


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Concern for revival

Brian Edwards


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Horizons of Hope

Brian Edwards

Between them, Graham and Tessa can log over 100 years of experience of life from a wheelchair!

In that time they have overcome most of the obstacles to living a meaningful life. Their dogged determination and their keen sense of humour have turned what could have been disaster into a story of the triumph of faith over adversity. Brian Edwards, who was their pastor for 15 years, tells their story.

Sinners welcome!

Brian Edwards

Are you feeling a failure as the new year starts?

2,000 years after the Pharisees muttered against their Messiah, the religious world is at it again.

Elizabeth Fiorenza in her book Jesus: Miriam's and Sophia's Prophet Child enlists Jesus as her champion against male domination, while Barbara Thierring unlocks the secrets of Jesus' life and discovers that he is a wicked priest of Qumram! Martin Smith writes about Jesus the Magician - the title says it all. But the real headline-snatcher is Dr. Robert Funk's - The Five Gospels, and his search for the authentic words of Jesus.