In Depth:  Bob Allaway

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Lord’s Supper in lockdown?

Bob Allaway
Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

Dear Editor,

It was good that Garry Williams took the trouble to examine whether a ‘cyber-supper’ was possible. While I share his opposition to the practice, it is for a different reason from his. He seems to be hung up on the authority of the elders/pastor – in his case, to excommunicate. The real problem, that Paul highlights in 1 Corinthians, is social.


Emerging church

Bob Allaway
Date posted: 1 Jan 2018

Dear Editor,

I welcomed the December en, with your usual mix of useful and informative articles. However, I was uneasy about Barger’s article (p.18). He lumps together a variety of heretical ideas along with some perfectly innocuous terms, as symptoms of the Emergent Church. Any reader might label me as an adherent of such ideas, as I talk a lot about ‘Spiritual Formation’, but what I, and others, mean by that is training in such spiritual disciplines as having a daily quiet time, when one reads a portion of Scripture, not merely to acquire knowledge, but to apply its teaching to one’s life. Evangelicals have been observing such disciplines since the Reformation!


God’s image & evolution

Bob Allaway
Date posted: 1 Nov 2014

Dear Sir,

Macaulay and Martin (October en) may have good points to make about the nature of humanity in the ‘image of God’, but this is a separate issue from their attack on what they call ‘Theistic evolution’, which is nothing of the kind. ‘Through purely physical forces, they suggest, organic life gave rise to ape-like creatures …’ No, a theistic evolu-tionist believes that God gave rise to them. ‘We conclude, therefore, that God’s image-bearers didn’t just evolve. They were designed …’ But theistic evolutionists would agree they were designed. They would say, ‘They didn’t just evolve by chance.’