In Depth:  Bishop Wallace Benn

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Why everyone should read this re-issued JI Packer essay

Why everyone should read this re-issued JI Packer essay

Bishop Wallace Benn Bishop Wallace Benn

A very helpful and powerful essay by the late Dr J I Packer, critiquing and exposing the mindset of the errant Church of England bishops who have acted so dishonourably and unbiblically over sexuality, has been re-issued as a free down-loadable pdf by the Latimer Trust.

In the essay, called Never mind the quality, feel the width: comprehensiveness in the Church of England which was written some time ago, Jim Packer analyses four different kinds of views about 'comprehensiveness' which Anglican leaders hold.

GOOD DISAGREEMENT in the church of england?

GOOD DISAGREEMENT in the church of england?

Bishop Wallace Benn Bishop Wallace Benn

It is clearly both necessary and right that Christians show love for one another in how they handle disagreements.

We live before a watching world. Jesus did say: ‘By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another’ (John13.35). So there is no excuse for rudeness or cavalier attitudes to each other. Paul, in the chapter that begins to work out the implications of the gospel for our daily living and relationships, writes: ‘Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honour’ (Romans 12.10). So in that sense ‘good disagreement’ is a healthy and desirable thing to aim for.