In Depth:  Bill James

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Praying in the  New Year
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Praying in the New Year

Bill James
Bill James

The New Year is a wonderful opportunity to reflect with thanksgiving on the year that is past, and to pray in faith for the year that lies ahead. What are your prayers for the New Year?

The news this year has been dominated by stories of elections and new governments. There have been grim reports of wars and conflicts in Ukraine/Russia, and Israel with its neighbours. We might add that there are numerous other conflicts around the world which don’t appear in our national media, including Sudan and Burma/Myanmar. Our prayers might well include petitions for peace, and for just and righteous laws in our country and around the world. We are commanded to pray for rulers and authorities. Jesus teaches us to pray ‘Your will be done’ which includes a desire for God’s will and creation purposes to be reflected in a sinful world.

Assisted suicide: Killing with kindness?
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Assisted suicide: Killing with kindness?

Bill James
Bill James

We hear much about ‘Christian values’ of kindness, love, sympathy and understanding, not least at the Christmas season when we are encouraged to express ‘goodwill to all men’. I hope that as Christians we are kind; it is after all an element of the fruit of the Spirit.

But we need to beware a kindness which is divorced from any foundation in Christian morality. Some suggest that it is ‘unkind’ to question anyone’s lifestyle choices. But is it really ‘kind’ to give approval to someone who is choosing a reckless and ungodly path which will ultimately bring devastation to themselves, and to others? Is it ‘kind’ to remain silent about the gospel and wish others well on the broad road that leads inevitably to destruction?

The pace  of change
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The pace of change

Bill James
Bill James

We can sometimes be bewildered by the speed at which the world changes, and new ideas and fashions take root.

In the West there has been a headlong plunge towards identity politics, and a promotion of ideologies of sexuality and gender which seemed unthinkable just one or two decades ago. At the turn of the millennium it was ‘normal’ to talk of two genders, and of marriage between one man and one woman. Now the new ‘normal’ is very different.

Surrogacy: ‘extreme  babysitters’
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Surrogacy: ‘extreme babysitters’

Bill James
Bill James

When Tom Daley tearfully announced the end of his diving career after the Paris Olympics, he said that he was looking forward to spending more time with his family.

It is not only accepted, but celebrated in the media that he has children with his ‘husband’ through surrogacy, and this is unquestioned and unchallenged. He is not the only one, joining high-profile names like Elton John and David Furnish, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

Stay safe?
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Stay safe?

Bill James
Bill James

Ever since the Covid pandemic, it has become quite common in the media to hear at the end of an interview the exhortation to the guest to ‘stay safe’.

Sometimes I receive messages which close in the same way. Perhaps at the beginning of a new term, when children are sent off to school, or teenagers to university, or a new season of life or work begins, our instinct is the same – our great desire is that our loved ones ‘stay safe’.

Waiting for  the Lord
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Waiting for the Lord

Bill James
Bill James

We can sometimes feel that we aren’t making any difference. Perhaps we thought and prayed about how to vote in the General Election, but ended up with an MP, or a government, which we did not choose.

That can be true in church life as well, or a difficult situation at work; however hard we pray, and seek to do the right thing, we are not seeing any progress. We might be tempted to give up, stop praying, and doubt whether God cares about the situation. Or perhaps be tempted to take matters into our own hands and get angry, vent our frustration, and respond in a less than godly way.

The anxious  generation
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The anxious generation

Bill James
Bill James

Jonathan Haidt’s recent book on anxiety amongst teenagers being exacerbated by smartphone usage rings true. But the title of his book The Anxious Generation could be applied more widely to Western society.

We are becoming accustomed to a world of constant threat and uncertainty. The Covid pandemic ramped up social anxiety to such an extent that mask wearing and lockdowns were not only legally mandated but actually welcomed by many.

Working for  the Lord
Now This

Working for the Lord

Bill James
Bill James

One of the troubling issues of our national economy is the number of people who are not at work.

While the official unemployment statistics are very low, because very few are looking for work, the number on out-of-work benefits has risen to 5.6 million, and growing (The Spectator, 24 February 2024). It seems that since Covid, for whatever reason, many are reluctant to get back to work.

Infertility  and IVF
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Infertility and IVF

Bill James
Bill James

There has been an extraordinary ruling in the Supreme Court of Alabama. Early embryos used in IVF should be afforded the rights of children, protected by the State’s Wrongful Death of a Minor Act, the court declared.

The ruling was extraordinary not only because of its clarity, but also the Biblical and theological reasoning used to make the case. As Christians, we welcome the affirmation that human rights and personhood are rooted in Biblical foundations, namely that each human life begins at conception and we are made in the image of God.

Going to the  wedding
Now This

Going to the wedding

Bill James
Bill James

As summer approaches, many of us will receive wedding invitations.

We may be clear that Biblical marriage is between one man and woman, and that sexual intimacy is only appropriate within that context. But how do we respond when a friend or a family member invites us to their gay or transgender wedding? Do we prioritise friendly relationships and accept, or decide on principle that we cannot go?

A frog in  the kettle?
Now This

A frog in the kettle?

Bill James
Bill James

We are horrified as we look back in history and see how our spiritual forefathers failed in critical ways.

During the time of the slave trade, some not only remained silent but were involved by owning slaves. During the time of Nazi Germany there were precious few who, like Bonhoeffer, were willing to speak up at the risk of their lives. So, what will be the verdict of history on our generation? Which issues do we neglect which will be seen in a different light in the future?

Feeling beleaguered? Back to the beginning...

Feeling beleaguered? Back to the beginning...

Bill James
Bill James

As Christians we may well feel beleaguered by a number of pressing issues in the world today.

There is first of all our society’s insistence on the rights of personal sexual freedom and identity, threatening the church with ‘conversion therapy’ bans if we dare to disagree. Then there is the related issue of family breakdown, and the undermining of marriage. What about environmentalism, and the impending ‘climate crisis’? This is linked to warnings of world overpopulation, and a whole generation considering childlessness ‘for the sake of the planet’. Or is it systemic racism and injustice in society which is of primary concern?

Leamington Spa: a new chapter

Leamington Spa: a new chapter

Bill James
Bill James

A new chapter began for Emmanuel Church, Leamington Spa, with the induction of their pastor James Midwinter on 9 September.

James worked as a lawyer before being called to the ministry and training at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, NC. He was assistant pastor to Ray Evans at Grace Community Church, Bedford for two years before coming to Leamington Spa in August.

Devilishly good?

Devilishly good?

Bill James
Bill James


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Filing for divorce?

Filing for divorce?

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review MARITAL IMAGERY IN THE BIBLE: An Exploration of Genesis 2:24 and its Significance for the Understanding of New Testament Divorce and Remarriage Teaching

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Off the wall?

Off the wall?

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review THE INSANITY OF GOD A true story of faith resurrected

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Things of first importance

Things of first importance

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review TAKING GOD SERIOUSLY Vital things we need to know

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Go for it!

Bill James
Bill James


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Briefs with too many holes

Bill James
Bill James


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Delusions about God

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review IS GOD A MORAL MONSTER? Making sense of the Old Testament

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What God has joined

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review THE DIVORCE DILEMMA God's Last Word on Lasting Commitment

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It’s death, Jim, but not as we know it!

Bill James
Bill James


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Three in one

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review FATHER, SON AND SPIRIT The Trinity and John’s Gospel

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Praying down wrath

Bill James
Bill James

Is there anything that gets you really angry, stirring righteous anger in your heart? Perhaps it is the North Korean prison camps, where Christian believers suffer unspeakable atrocities. Or the tyranny of a cruel regime which brings hardship and injustice. Or is it the abuse of God’s name, or contempt for his law, or mindless violence?

If we are ever angry, would we ever consider praying the imprecatory psalms, calling down curses on the wicked? Think for example of Psalm 137, which blesses those who dash Babylonian babies against the rocks. Or Psalm 58, which speaks of the gladness of those who bathe their feet in the blood of the wicked. How are we to understand such extreme sentiments? And do such psalms have any place in Christian life and experience?

Major re-think on divorce

Bill James
Bill James


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King Kong

Bill James
Bill James

None Review Planet of the chumps? KING KONG

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The way that you do IT

Bill James
Bill James


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Too many hurdles?

Bill James
Bill James

The shortage of good candidates for nonconformist pastoral ministry is well known.

And the remedy prescribed by our Lord seems simple: to pray that the Lord of the harvest would send out workers into his harvest field.

Deconstructing evangelicalism:

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review DECONSTRUCTING EVANGELICALISM Conservative Protestantism in the age of Billy Graham

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Farewell to Anglicanism

Bill James
Bill James

Herbert Carson is fondly remembered by many as a fine preacher, a pastor and a friend. His keen intellect was matched by a warm and gracious spirit; we give thanks to God for the testimony of his life and ministry.

Of his writings, the most personal was the little book Farewell to Anglicanism - an autobiographical account of his resignation as Vicar of St. Paul's Church, Cambridge, and secession from the Anglican Church in November 1964. Some extracts are reprinted here (with page references to the H.E. Walter edition of 1969). They are reminders of Herbert's personal struggle, and raise issues which are still relevant today.

When families fall apart

Bill James
Bill James


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The place of the Law

Bill James
Bill James


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For the disengaged

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review GATEWAYS TO GOD Seeking Spiritual Depth in a Post-Modern World

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A theology of fun

Bill James
Bill James

Is the Christian life all hard work, service and slog? What place does recreation and fun have in the purposes of God?

The Christian life is a serious business. We are conscious that we live in the last days. Now is not the time for self-indulgent and sinful pleasures. Rather we consecrate our gifts, our money, our very lives into the service of our great King. As redeemed sinners, we confess that we are 'not our own - we have been bought at a price'.


Bill James
Bill James


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Bill James
Bill James

Book Review By Robert L. Reymond

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The Nature, Government and Function of the Church - A Reassessment

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review The Nature, Government and Function of the Church: A Reassessment

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Doing Theology for the People of God

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review Doing Theology For The People Of God (Studies in honour of J. I. Packer)

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Taught To Serve

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review Taught to Serve: the history of Barry and Bryntirion Colleges

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To Win the West

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review By Martin Robinson

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Time with God

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review By Stephen Eyre

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Nuts about KP

Bill James
Bill James

Book Review The Way of Holiness

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