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No ‘gay gene’

No ‘gay gene’

BBC / en

A genetic analysis of almost half a million people concluded there is no single ‘gay gene’ and genetic factors only accounted for between 8-25% of same-sex behaviour.

The study undertaken by Harvard and MIT researches, published in Science, used data from the UK Biobank and 23andMe, and found some genetic variants associated with same-sex relationships. Five specific genetic variants were found to be particularly associated with same-sex behaviour. Together they only accounted for under 1% of samesex behaviour. The researchers scanned the entire genetic make-up of 409,000 people. Participants were asked whether they had same-sex partners exclusively, or as well as opposite-sex partners.

Rise in STIs

BBC / en

In 2018, there were 447,694 new diagnoses of STIs, a 5% increase on those in 2017.

Gonorrhoea cases increased the most – by 26%, the largest number since 1978. Syphilis rose by 5%. High-risk groups include young people and men who have sex with men. The number of gonorrhoea cases has been increasing for years among both men and women, despite repeated warnings from public health doctors about the risks of unprotected sex. Gonorrhoea can cause ser-ious long-term health problems, including infertility in women.