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‘Unspeakable heartbreak’: parenting a prodigal child in a ministry home

‘Unspeakable heartbreak’: parenting a prodigal child in a ministry home


Sadly, some of our children don’t come to Jesus in repentance and faith but turn away in hostile rebellion.

A cocktail of external social influences can mix with internal trauma, hormones, and indwelling sin to stir up hostility to parents in general and Christianity in particular. Whilst we still love them dearly, such children bring us unspeakable heartbreak. And, in a ministry home, we and our children have the added pressure of having our congregation watching us. We feel the heaviness of our responsibilities to both our children and our church. O Lord, help us!


Christian marriage

Date posted: 1 Jul 2020

Dear Editor,

I have been reading much of the June 2020 issue of en today, especially as I am ‘shut in’ by the issues surrounding the Covid-19 virus. I was interested to see how several letters and articles have provoked us to think again about matters that we have taken for granted. Many of these are matters that brothers and sisters in other countries have had to live with because of the environ-ment (physical and spiritual) in which they live. We should be able to pray for them more intelligently.


Too late?

Date posted: 1 Jun 2020

Dear Sir,

When I was in my early twenties, I was brought under the sound of the gospel by a Christian friend and ‘prayed the prayer’ of acceptance and commitment to Christ. When nothing much happened, I was told to trust faith and not my own feelings. When I understood the gospel better, I realised that this had been a false conversion, because I was continuing in sin and had no personal knowledge of Christ – let alone a heartfelt love for Him. I must therefore have acted emotionally, partly to please my friend, and without understanding the nature of, or counting the cost of, true discipleship.


Putting plastic in its place

Date posted: 1 Oct 2019

Dear Sir,

How good was Sarah Allen’s article ‘The War on Plastic’ – that latest earthly crisis (inevitably involving David Attenborough) that the media has decided that we all must focus on.

When trust and ‘normality’ are stolen

When trust and ‘normality’ are stolen


Book Review BREAKING THE SILENCE ON CHILD ABUSE One man’s journey to whole-life transformation

Read review

Days of creation

Date posted: 1 May 2017

Dear Sir,

With reference to recent letters on the subject of creation, I am very glad to pay tribute to the valuable work that the various ‘creation ministries’ have done in showing the weakness of atheistic evolution. But I do wonder whether some of their current emphases should be questioned.


Children and IVF

Date posted: 1 Aug 2016

Dear Sir,

Although I can understand that an apparent dismissal of IVF could cause heartache to couples trying to have a baby (June en, letters July en), the wider point must not be lost.


Preachers in the open air

Date posted: 1 Aug 2016

Dear Sir,

In Iain Clement’s letter (June en) concerning the need for open air preachers to be gracious (with which I agree entirely ) he also states: ‘It is important that those who feel called to this work are gifted, … and, importantly, are sent by and under the authority of a local church.’


Sexual boundary stones

Date posted: 1 Jul 2016

Dear Sir,

I wonder how many other grandmothers, mothers or daughters felt the same, on reading Dr Stammers’ article on medical ethics (June en).


Caring in the church

Date posted: 1 Jul 2015

Dear Sir,

I believe that you were right to publish the letter from the retired pastor’s wife (May en) but I was saddened to read the antagonistic response in the June issue.


Cancel Christmas?

Date posted: 1 Jan 2015

Dear Sir,

We can’t advise Mr Baalham (November en) who advocates cancelling Christmas. We can however point out a few consequences of the line he has taken. We have been subject to such opinions for the last 14 years.


Youngsters trashed by sex

Date posted: 1 Dec 2013

Dear Sir,

Dr. Nolland’s article, ‘Young people trashed by sex’, November EN, presented some sobering truths. Particularly concerning was the issue that children from solid families are getting involved in sexual sin and parents are often oblivious as to how far they have strayed.

Cheated by the affirming church


Contrary to what some churches teach, it is homosexuality — and not its suppression — that enslaves people like me.

I feel cheated. Cheated by those who say that they love me and are trying to help me. Yet, if things were left up to them, I would still be in a prison of my own making — enslaved by homosexuality and without hope.

Grace writ large


Book Review SHANNON

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Eastern orthodoxy


Did you know that every year 300 million people celebrate Easter at a different time from the church in the West? Did you know that 300,000 of them actually live in Britain? The Eastern Orthodox Church lives on . . .

The 'Byzantine Tradition' stretches from Russia through countries like Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania, all the way down to Greece and Cyprus.

My brave face


In an increasingly decadent society, it is not surprising that many Christian marriages come under pressure...

Andrew had been accepted at law college and I was doing a postgraduate teaching certificate during the first year of our married life. We had found a charming flat near the river to rent.

A marriage back from the brink


As Christians we know, at least theoretically, that we are not exempt from the tragedies common to everyone. However, it comes as a shock when situations arise which make us feel hopeless.

My husband and I have been married now for 23 years and we have two teenage children. We enjoy a happy family life and our son and daughter are Christians working and witnessing for the Lord. It was not always so!

Facing CJD


Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) is in the news. While the beef connection has not been fully established, this illness remains a human tragedy.

David was an intelligent man, who went straight into work for London Transport from school. He achieved an Open University BA Hons. while being husband, father, deacon and temporary treasurer of the church, in addition to other numerous secretarial duties out of work time. He was always thinking. Why then did he contract CJD which first affects the brain?