In Depth:  Ann Wills

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Christmas opportunities

Ann Wills
Date posted: 1 Jan 2019

Dear Editor,

I think that at Christmas we should use this time of year to share Jesus more. We could send Christmas cards and Advent Calendars that have a Nativity scene on. Manufacturers only produce what people will buy - so if we don’t buy Christian products they won’t be manufactured any more. We would then only be able to buy Advent Calendars with a snowman or Santa on!


Christians in care homes

Ann Wills
Date posted: 1 Nov 2018

Dear Editor,

I read Anthony Parker’s letter ‘Witness in a care home’ (May en) on the subject of Christianity in care homes.


A cross at work

Ann Wills
Date posted: 1 Jul 2018

Dear Editor,

I’m very pleased that new official guidance states that Christians must be allowed to wear a cross at work, if it doesn’t affect their jobs.