In Depth:  Andy McIntosh

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Creation and science

Andy McIntosh
Date posted: 1 Mar 2017

Dear Editor,

I thought the article on ‘Wonderful Science’ in the November 2016 issue of en was excellent and advocated that people explore more the scientific facts from a biblical point of view by using the material published by the Biblical Creation Trust. I was therefore somewhat dismayed to read the letter from Jonathan Castro in the January 2017 edition of en advocating the idea that the evidence against a recent Creation ‘is simply overwhelming’ and then asking readers to look at the website at This is hardly a neutral or unbiased website, since not only is that site set against a Creation position, it is also set against a Christian position – look for instance at the rationalwiki page on the Bible. Essentially it is a website compiled by humanists who are generally atheists and I would not recommend that any believer should visit that site.


Essentials of creation

Andy McIntosh
Date posted: 1 Jun 2014

Dear Editor,

I found the article ‘It is essential…’ in EN April 2014 by Ranald Macaulay to be very encouraging.

Assess the evidence yourself

Andy McIntosh

Book Review EXPLORE EVOLUTION The arguments for and against neo-Darwinism

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Andy McIntosh

Book Review By Nick Spencer & Denis Alexander

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Standing firm on creation

Andy McIntosh

A number of people have now been warning against Denis Alexander’s Creation or Evolution: do we have to choose? Both theologically and scientifically, this book is seriously in error.

The theological issues are dealt with elsewhere (Evangelical Times, October 2008, ‘The Downgrade Controversy of the 21st Century’), and see EN, November 2008, ‘Rescuing Darwin or Wrecking the Faith?’. In this article I concentrate on two major scientific issues — information and thermodynamics.