In Depth:  Andrew King

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New vision for 65 Grace Baptist churches

New vision for 65 Grace Baptist churches

Andrew King

Grace Baptist Associations are networks of local churches each affirming their independence whilst embracing a voluntary interdependence between churches in their network.

The AGBC(SE) is one such network of around 65 churches in the south east of England. So, what things help an Association flourish in the longer term? Here Andrew King, the recently appointed Association Secretary, shares his view:

Westminster: strategy and warm-hearted wisdom

Westminster: strategy and warm-hearted wisdom

Andrew King

On the 3-4 December at Regent Hall, London, the Westminster Conference took place with the focus being on the learning from the rich heritage of the Puritan era.

Papers were given on the life and ministry of William Perkins (by Joseph Pipa) and Thomas Manton (by Douglas McCallum). Perkins was strategic in his writing projects and Manton had such warm-hearted wisdom.

The strength of some

The strength of some

Andrew King

Book Review RESILIENCE A Spiritual Project

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Above street level

Above street level

Andrew King

Book Review THE CHURCH: Glorious body, radiant bride

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Red hot fundies

Red hot fundies

Andrew King


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Making a start

Making a start

Andrew King

Book Review PREPARING THE WAY: How to Communicate the Gospel to the Local People Who Speak Our Language But Never Go To Church

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Nasty church?

Nasty church?

Andrew King

Book Review WHEN FAITH TURNS UGLY Understanding Toxic Faith and How to Avoid It

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Reaching local people

Reaching local people

Andrew King

Andrew King of Highbury Baptist Church takes us through his thinking that led to a new venture

What? To whom? And how?

The email of the species is…

Andrew King

Book Review YOU, YOUR FAMILY AND THE INTERNET What every Christian in the digital age ought to know

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Strengths and weaknesses

Andrew King

Book Review THE GOD REALITY A Critique of Richard Dawkins’ The God Delusion

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Wal-Mart gospel?

Andrew King

Book Review BECOMING A CONTAGIOUS CHURCH Increasing your church’s evangelistic temperature

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If Jesus is the answer, what's the question?

Andrew King

The phrase, 'Jesus is the answer' is a cliche of evangelism In Brazil, there is even a denomination with this name. Unfortunately it has been noted by sharper-witted pagans that the phrase can be defused with the retort, 'What's the question?' In the process they expose a shift and a sloppiness in world evangelicalism.

If we could interview the early Christians and ask them to sing a song about Jesus, like as not it would have been Psalm 2, judging by the number of times the New Testament quotes it. Psalm 2 was fundamental to the apostles' thinking about Jesus, yet nowadays very few evangelicals would sing it or understand how it relates to Jesus. Times have changed.