In Depth:  Andrew Hill

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Ministry to the military

Ministry to the military

Andrew Hill

SASRA has an open door to military bases. We interview Andrew Hill, who has recently been appointed to head the work.

en: What is your own background in the Armed Forces?
I joined the Royal Air Force as a Fighter Controller in 1984, and served for 22 years, principally producing what is called the ‘Recognised Air Picture’. For those who have seen films like Battle of Britain I was something like the officer with the telephones who sits at a raised desk looking down over the map of Britain surrounded by airwomen with long poles pushing plaques about. By my day it was all done using computers!

Faith and filming under fire

Faith and filming under fire

Andrew Hill

Book Review THREE YEARS AT WAR The diary of a cameraman in Afghanistan

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Church discipline for teens?

Andrew Hill

Book Review THE FAITHFUL PARENT A biblical guide to raising a family

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Cromwell's conversion

Andrew Hill

Oliver Cromwell was born on April 25 1599, making this year the 400th anniversary of his birth.

It was remarkable to find him shortlisted for 'Man of the Millennium' on Radio 4's 'Today' programme recently. It seems that many find Cromwell a fascinating historical personality, but why? Some know that he was involved in the beheading of Charles I, and the 17th-century damage of cathedrals.