In Depth:  Andrew Halloway

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Questions never asked

Andrew Halloway

Book Review ATOMS AND EDEN Conversations on Religion and Science

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One million dollars to prove life could arise without God

Andrew Halloway

A $1 million prize is being offered to anyone who can scientifically show how life began.

If that strikes you as odd, it’s because we are so used to scientists claiming that evolution explains everything about nature.

Design comes into fashion

Andrew Halloway

Andrew Halloway reports on how Intelligent Design and creationism are gaining ground across the world.

In a major article titled ‘In the beginning’, the April 19 2007 issue of The Economist said, ‘The debate over creation and evolution is fast going global’. After debating whether or not the Pope supported Intelligent Design (ID), it stated: ‘Not that the advocates of Intelligent Design or outright creationists are in need of anyone’s endorsement… their ideas are flourishing and their numbers growing.’