In Depth:  Andrew Collins

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Feeling out of tune today?
pastoral care

Feeling out of tune today?

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

I was feeling a little low, weary, and ‘out of sorts’: just not quite right. I wasn’t sick. Maybe just tired? But spiritually things were flat.

I was missing a sense of the Lord’s nearness. The vitality of my soul seemed to be waning. What was up? Did I just need a rest? Or was there something I needed to repent of?

Deeper problems?
pastoral care

Deeper problems?

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

‘I’ve got something deeper, something psychological going on…’ … ‘It’s my mental health that’s the issue…’.

Hearing such statements can lead us to think that a person’s struggle is beyond the reach of pastoral care. Discernment is needed, and referral to a qualified professional may be necessary, particularly with medical problems and struggles that involve risk. But are psychological problems outside the scope and understanding of Scripture itself?

Can I trust you?
pastoral care

Can I trust you?

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

After years of hiding from her problems, Kim finally pressed send on an email to her pastoral team.

Early traumas, committed by those she looked up to, long buried and suppressed, were now reappearing, leading to panic, depressed feelings and tormenting thoughts. She had to share this with someone. But who could she talk to? Who would listen? Who would understand? Would she just be blamed? Who could she trust? Reaching out for help felt like a huge risk.

Covid-19, mental wellness  and the Christian
pastoral care

Covid-19, mental wellness and the Christian

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

‘Health experts warn of Covid-19 mental health crisis.’

Many headlines are warning us of the brewing mental health need during this pandemic. At the same time we hear common mantras on promoting mental wellness.

Destructive Desires
pastoral care

Destructive Desires

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

As Tony’s wife walked into the room he quickly changed the browser page on his iPad. The immediate fear, followed by guilt, shame, and frustration, was a familiar experience.

He’d intended to open his Bible-reading app, but tired and wanting a bit of relaxation he diverted to the sports pages and, on the back of a stressful day at work, soon drifted into that fantasy world of pornographic images and videos. Again.

Understanding depression
pastoral care

Understanding depression

Andrew Collins Andrew Collins

Why are you cast down, O my soul? (Psalm 42)

Why are you weighed down, as if under a heavy burden? That seems to be the image the psalmist uses, and it captures well the experience we call depression today. Depression is hard. We feel numb. We are weakened and brought low by this heaviness. And it won’t easily go away. Ed Welch has aptly called it a stubborn darkness.