In Depth:  Alun Ebenezer

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Being a man today

Being a man today

Alun Ebenezer

Right now it is open season on manhood.

At our worst we men are power hungry, aggressive, self entitled, demeaning and abusive to women, bad role models for our children, addicted to screens and pornography, and we can’t be trusted.

Under The Knife

Under The Knife

Alun Ebenezer

Alun Ebenezer, headmaster of The Fulham Boys School, discusses rising knife crime

Knives. They can do incredible good or devastating harm. In the hand of a surgeon they can save a life, while, as we have seen in London over the last few weeks, in the hands of another they can bring life to an end.


Nothing to be ashamed of

Alun Ebenezer
Date posted: 1 Mar 2016

Dear Editor,

Once again, faith, education, indoctrination, extremism and radicalization are in the news.

Running a school today?

Running a school today?

Alun Ebenezer

Headmaster Alun Ebenezer reflects on what Christianity ought to bring to education

Not a week goes by, it seems, without a faith school, or the subject of education and faith, hitting the headlines.