In Depth:  Alicia Felce

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Prince Caspian

Alicia Felce

None Review Spiritual dwarfare PRINCE CASPIAN

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In debt: who cares?

Alicia Felce

The number of repossessions of homes through failure to pay the mortgage is set to reach a 12-year high in the next 12 months.

Personal debt is a national crisis that is threatening an increasing number of families.

The war zone

Alicia Felce


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My War Diary

Alicia Felce

Walter Culliford was the editor of Seed Thoughts and later of The Bible League Quarterly. Recently his daughter Violet sent her father’s war diary to EN — a document that chronicles his experiences as a soldier in the First World War from 1915-1919. He served three years overseas in France, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine.

After recording the general movements and experiences of his life with the army, he goes on to specifically deal with the spiritual and religious aspects of this difficult time.

Everyone in the world... in the Word

Alicia Felce

Recently I went to my normal weekly church Bible study meeting (we are studying Romans) and had an enjoyable time of fellowship and study.

The next day I was due to sit in on a Bible study run by Community Bible Study International, and I have to admit to wondering what it would offer that would be distinct from my normal group. Of course, the fundamentals were similar — such as prayer and a focus on studying the Bible to understand it and apply it to one’s own life. There were however, differences about this ministry, and I found myself firmly convinced of the high value it has as a way of reaching people and strengthening their faith by grounding them ever more in the Bible.

Da Vinci in brief

Alicia Felce

Book Review THE DA VINCI CODE ON TRIAL Filtering fact from fiction

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Completing Wilberforce’s work?

Alicia Felce

Book Review SET ALL FREE

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Strangely edifying

Alicia Felce

Book Review STRAW DOGS Thoughts on humans and other animals

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No surprises please

Alicia Felce

Book Review IT'S ALWAYS ON MY MIND A Guide to Dating

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I didn't want the day to end

Alicia Felce

Many of us were feeling fortunate just to be at the London Women's Convention as it opened on Saturday morning, October 2.

Places had been hard to come by with the tickets sold out on the first day they went on sale a few months ago! As the day unfolded, our expectations were not disappointed. In the company of 1,000 believers we were treated to clear and challenging teaching in an uplifting atmosphere of encouragement and fellowship.

The Da Vinci Code revisited

Alicia Felce

Perhaps you are thinking - why this again? Well it's summertime and sadly The Da Vinci Code is still on the best-seller list. So here are just a few points to arm yourself with as you chat at the poolside, or perhaps when the holidays end and you are discussing them with colleagues or friends.

* 'The Da Vinci Code' (TDC) claims the marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene is part of the historical record. In reality, there is no credible historical record that Jesus was married.


Alicia Felce


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Love actually

Alicia Felce

None Review Not love, actually LOVE ACTUALLY Cert. 15 Universal Studios Love Actually actually has very little to do with love. My expectations in this regard were pretty low, after all this is Hugh Grant in a typical romantic comedy. I did expect the movie to be humorous and entertaining, as well as replete with bad language and an objectionable level of sexually explicit material. It lived up to both these positive and negative expectations.

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Gnostic propaganda

Alicia Felce


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To end all wars

Alicia Felce

None Review Strongly Christian TO END ALL WARS

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God's work

Alicia Felce


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Alicia Felce

Book Review By Wendy Bray

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Carers with a conscience

Alicia Felce

Two Christian social workers were threatened with dismissal from their jobs for their opposition to adoption by homosexual couples. This was reported by The Daily Telegraph on May 11 this year.

Norah Ellis and Dawn Jackson, experienced social workers employed by Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council, were warned in a letter that they would face the termination of their employment if they were "not able to work with same-sex couples.'

Comforting ...

Alicia Felce


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