In Depth:  Alan Wenham

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The nature of the internet

Alan Wenham
Date posted: 1 Aug 2016

Dear Sir,

In David Clark’s review of Virtually Human by Ed Brooks & Pete Nicholas in the July edition of en, he articulates a common Christian idea that it is not technology but sinful users that cause problems.

Christmas radio

Christmas radio

Alan Wenham

A radio station has been launched that plays nothing but traditional Christmas carols and Bible thoughts 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Christmas Carols Radio was founded by Ben Vane, a former radio producer, who is now an ordinand training for the Church of England. He said: ‘For years I’ve been wrestling with how we might attract non-Christians to engage with media that communicates the gospel. And then it hit me. The one time non-Christians do engage with the Christian message is at Christmas.’