In Depth:  Alan Sharp

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Dr Martin Luther King Jr

Alan Sharp

None Review The man who dreamed DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR.

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How to become a colour-blind Christian

Alan Sharp

‘Half the world lives on less than two dollars a day’ (George Bush, June 2001).

They are poor because we have taken their money. 20% of the world receives 87% of its income while 80% of the world lives on 13% of its income. In 1820, income per person in developed countries was three times income per person in underdeveloped countries: by 1992, income per person in developed countries was 72 times income per person in underdeveloped countries.1

Why so many people reject Christ (and one idea for winning them back)

Alan Sharp

What will make your next-door neighbours consider the claims of Christ?

Traditionally, one style of evangelism has been popular. This is a style used by Paul: reason (dialogue), telling the story of Jesus and his bringing salvation for us. For a number of reasons, particularly related to the impressions that the bad lifestyles of some Christians are making on non-Christians, I believe it's important that we now investigate using another style of evangelism as well.

Revival - are we missing it?

Alan Sharp

When Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) paid £2.6 million cash for a converted warehouse in September 1998, it became the church seating the most people in Britain. Can this six-year-old church in Hackney, East London, now be growing beyond its 4,000-seater capacity?

AS: Recently the Stephen Lawrence report was published. What practical things can white Christians in Britain do to welcome black people?

Black life

Alan Sharp

Imagine. An inner-city area of Britain. Sunday. You stumble into a Victorian Free Church building. Predominantly Caribbean people. You join the group at the front as they're praying for God to move.

'Electrifying!' says a friend, anticipating the worship. As people return to the pews, a music group leads into the first song. 80-year-old women are dancing with hands in the air. The song finishes. You pray together out loud, praising God, praying for others, praying for yourself. Another song. Harmony. Rap rhythms. No problem with young boys' behaviour - they're on the bongos.