In Depth:  Alan Clifford

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In living, LIVE!

Alan Clifford

Dr. Philip Doddridge's dates (1702-51) provide us with two contiguous anniversaries.

It is the 250th anniversary of his death this year (October 26), and the tercentenary of his birth next year (June 26). But why should we hold a celebration at all?

Infant salvation: are all those who die in infancy saved?

Alan Clifford

When youngsters die it raises many questions in our minds. Here, in note form, Dr. Alan Clifford addresses the vital question of their salvation.

This is a subject on which the Bible does not speak directly - only indirectly or inferentially.

Is Christmas Christian? (Bulldog for November)

Alan Clifford

Christmas has become a commercial racket. Many people turn up their noses at the 'religious' aspect.

However, if 'Merry Xmas' is preferred to 'Happy Christmas', is the merriment quite what it was? Indeed, who looks forward to Christmas?