In Depth:  Alan Bright

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Rejecting relationships?

Alan Bright

Alan Bright explains why we should ditch this modern concept.

‘Therefore God gave them up…’ is sobering. Romans 1 says that, as people suppress the truth about God, God lets desire run riot — and misery follows.

One size fits all

Alan Bright

Book Review SHAPE: finding and fulfilling your unique purpose in life

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Something great for fathers to do

Alan Bright

The last 20 years have seen a huge increase in the number of youth workers in British churches — yet at the same time the church is losing young people. Alan Bright wonders if the two are connected.

Ephesians 6.4 is a verse for youth workers. Except that it isn’t. It talks about bringing up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord. For an Old Testament version see Deuteronomy 6.4-9. And the people responsible for bringing up children in the discipline and instruction of the Lord are not youth workers: they are parents — and specifically fathers.

The book I knew I had to read some time

Alan Bright


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