Alan Bailyes
Date posted: 1 Jul 2020
Dear en,
Rachel Jones’ article (‘Is this how intro-verts feel when life is normal?’) immediately
caught my eye. May I put in a plea that The
Good Book Company seriously consider a
book on personality types and the implica-tions for how we do church and discipleship?
While the issue is not openly addressed in
Scripture, it is perhaps implicit. Take, for
example, Peter and John and their witness
in Acts 3. All the action centres around Peter
(the extrovert?) while John (the introvert?)
is not reported as saying a word! And if it
is indeed the case that behind the Gospel of
Mark (fast-moving, action-packed) is Peter, then the contrast with John’s more thought-ful,
intimate Gospel
is telling. Squeezing
introverts into an extrovert mould in terms
of worship, fellowship and mission may be
doing the gospel a disservice, so a quiet,
thoughtful, biblical appraisal may be just the
ticket! ; )