In Depth:  Al Gibbs

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Are you ‘two-kingdoms’ or ‘transformationist’?

Are you ‘two-kingdoms’ or ‘transformationist’?

Al Gibbs

One of the perennial questions that Christians ask is how the church should engage with society.

The Bible is clear that individual Christians should share God’s love with everyone in the contexts that God has placed them, but to what extent should the church, as the church, seek to influence society? There are several ways of addressing this question, but in recent years many evangelicals have gravitated to one of two paradigms – either a two-kingdoms model, or a transformationist model. These models or views can get complicated, but it’s useful for Christians to have a basic sense of the strengths and weaknesses of each, as well as being aware of the history.

The challenges of deep multi-cultural integration

The challenges of deep multi-cultural integration

Al Gibbs

One of the joys of living in multi-cultural Britain is that we have people arrive from all over the world, and in recent years the numbers from other countries have only been increasing.

God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12 speaks of how he always intended to bless all nations. The church has a special privilege to welcome those from other nations: to help those in need, to share the good news and to disciple believers.