In Depth:  Adrian Creedy

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Adrian Creedy

None Review Bring me sunshine MORECAMBE By Tim Whitnall Theatre tour Morecambe — a one-man show touring England until July — is a good night out. Often it can be hard to fully recommend a play, but this is one occasion on which it can be done.

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Investments - should Christians care?

Adrian Creedy

Many UK Christians will have investments - in a pension fund, shares, units in a unit trust or a PEP or whatever. We are to be good stewards but stewardship is not limited only to obtaining a good return on investments.

Do you know where your money is invested? Perhaps in companies which produce pornographic material, manufacture or distribute drugs for abortion, ors sell weapons to oppressive regimes.

The politics of persuasion

Adrian Creedy

EN recently interviewed Lord Alton regarding moral issues and matters currently before the houses of parliament, which are of concern to Christians...

EN: Firstly, how would you encourage Christians to have greater involvement in politics?