In Depth:  A. Wills

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Relying on computers

A. Wills
Date posted: 1 Jun 2017

Dear Letters,

The disruption to the NHS by computer hackers should be a warning to us all about our over-reliance on computer systems.


Make the most of Christmas

A. Wills
Date posted: 1 Jan 2015

Dear Editor,

I went to the ‘Christmas Show’ at Earls Court Exhibition Centre on 20 November, but as far as I could see there was nothing there about Jesus at all. There were plenty of Christmas lights, decorations and gifts and even an occult stand, but I didn’t see any Nativity sets, cribs or anything Christian at all. This was a wasted opportunity, as the exhibition was very well attended. The stands may be expensive to hire, but perhaps several Christian groups, or Churches Together, could share a stand at similar exhibitions next year to show people the reason for Christmas.